Tailor your CV for each job application
Set job alerts to streamline opportunities
Network and use LinkedIn to boost visibility
saving time applying for jobs will keep you motivated and sharp!

Looking for a new job can often feel overwhelming and time-consuming. Whether you’re only starting your career in IT and you’re looking for your first job in IT support, an experienced data analyst whose job was just made redundant or a senior software developer looking for a new challenge in a new company, there are always ways to optimise your job search process and save time applying for jobs.

Our recruitment consultants at Adria Solutions work with our clients to make the candidate journey experience as enjoyable as possible. We understand that applying for jobs doesn’t have to be a painful experience, so we do our best to streamline your job applications and save our candidates from all the hassles. Keep reading to discover our team’s tried and tested time-saving tips for job seekers.

How to Save Time Applying for Jobs:

1. Create a Tailored CV (or several)

Even though it may seem time-consuming, customising your CV for each application is critical. Your CV must highlight relevant experience and skills based on the job description. Hou can create a CV template to speed up the process, then customise it for every different job role.

Does the job application process require submitting a cover letter? Make sure you also tailor your cover letter. A targeted approach can significantly increase your chances of catching a potential employer’s eye.

a woman reviews her CV on her laptop to make sure it's ATS ready
Make sure your CV is ATS-friendly, or you’ll get rejected before you can prove your value.

2. Choose the Best Job Board or Recruiter for your Niche

Now that you have your CV polished and ready to start your job search, it’s time to research the best job boards for your industry niche. Some of our candidates prefer to use a generalistic job board, such as Indeed, Total Jobs or CV-Library. Still, junior candidates sometimes sometimes are more lucky looking at specific job boards for graduate jobs. Are you applying for an IT contract role in the UK? Then Jobs Serve might be a good niche job board for you.

Play with the filters of your chosen job boards to find roles that match your specific interests, such as job title, location, expected salary or industry. This will help you save you from scrolling through irrelevant job listings, which can feel discouraging.

Choosing the best job board is as important as choosing the right recruitment consultancy. The reason? As you know, recruitment consultants do more than simply post vacancies online. Part of the job of a recruitment consultant is to source candidates.

Take the example of our recruitment consultants at Adria. You might have read in the past how our team uses innovative tools to source candidates. Well, when you upload your CV to your chosen job board, Adria’s innovative search tools allow us to find the right CV through an extensive database of candidates.

Headhunting candidates allows us to reach great candidates even before they actively look for a role. So, as you can imagine, as a candidate, being headhunted can save you so much time.

3. Organise Your Job Search Efficiently

It can be difficult to keep track of all the jobs you have applied for, how you applied, and what stage of the process you are at. The best way to keep track of your applications is by using a spreadsheet. Note the job title, company, date applied, and follow-up actions. There are some job search tracking apps on the market you can also use, too.

Being well-organised when applying for jobs saves time by preventing duplicate applications. Furthermore, it also helps you manage follow-ups efficiently. If you’re not a particularly organised person, our 30-day job search action plan should be a good starting point.

4. Start to Network

Networking can dramatically cut down your job search time. Engage with professionals in your field through online forums, social media platforms, and industry events. As a matter of fact, start-up founders often value IT, Digital and Marketing professionals with networking experience.

two woman and a man network, chatting about all things work related and hoping to get a referral for a role in the future
You’d be surprised how often jobs are filled through referrals, even before they get advertised on job boards!

5. Set Up Job Alerts

Many job boards offer the option to set up job alerts for specific job titles or keywords. We provide this option for the candidates registered with us, too. Our candidates tell us this automated service saves them a lot of time with minimal effort, as they receive relevant job opportunities directly to their inboxes and one-click-apply to any relevant roles.

6. When you hit Apply, Focus on Quality Over Quantity

While it’s tempting to apply for as many jobs as possible, it’s always best to focus your efforts on applying for positions that genuinely match your skills and aspirations. Tailoring a few high-quality job applications can be more productive than sending out dozens of generic ones.

7. Use ChatGPT and CV Templates Wisely

Crafting CV templates and cover letter templates is a great idea to optimise your time when applying for jobs. By all means, use ChatGPT and other GenAI tools to review your CV and job applications, gather keyword ideas from each job description and for interview preparation. But (there’s a but) don’t simply copy and paste from ChatGPT. No matter how much time it saves you, adding your personal touch is vital for your application to stand out.

8. Prepare for Common Interview Questions

While waiting for responses, use your time to prepare answers for common interview questions. Look at the most common interview questions, at those tricky questions you’re more likely to struggle with and find specific examples for your industry or level of experience. Interview preparation saves time later and boosts your confidence during the pre-interview and interview stages.

9. Take Advantage of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for candidates. Make sure your profile is up-to-date and reflects your CV. You can use its job search functionality and connect with industry professionals. LinkedIn is the No. 1 tool for recruitment consultants to find candidates, so you might start to receive messages from different agencies bringing opportunities directly to you.

If you find the attention overwhelming, run a quick search to identify the most reputable recruitment agencies in your area and industry and politely reject those that don’t seem relevant to you.

10. Reflect on your Results and Refine your Job Search

Have you been applying for jobs but getting the results you hoped for? It might be time to review your job search strategy to identify what’s working and what’s not. Then, refine your approach, focusing on those methods that save time and increase your chances of success. Asking for feedback can help you, too.

saving time applying for jobs will keep you motivated and sharp!
If you want to save time applying for jobs, speak to a trusted recruitment consultant and gather constructive feedback

Work with A Trusted Recruitment Consultancy to Save Time Applying for Jobs

Applying for IT, Digital and Marketing jobs doesn’t have to consume your precious time and patience. By implementing these strategies, you can speed your job search, make it more efficient and less stressful. Remember, it’s about working smarter, not harder.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you need a helping hand to guide and support you?

Our experienced team can guide you through the job search process, ensuring you spend your time where it counts: preparing for your next big opportunity. Contact the Adria team today to save time applying for jobs.

Marta Rodriguez

Marta Rodriguez

Digital Marketing Manager

Marta Rodriguez is a Digital Marketing Manager with 15 years of experience in Content Creation, Social Media management, Marketing Strategy, SEO and Communication. Marta has provided expert commentary for The Guardian, The Independent, Computer World, The AllBright collective, The Expertise Circle, and UK Recruiter.

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