The way CVs are written in today’s fast-paced business world differs in many ways from those written only ten years ago. Not only does a CV need to be concise and set out, but it should also be written (or re-written) to include the latest CV developments.
For all those job seekers out there trying their best to impress, here are a few of the new CV writing methods:
1. State Your Objective
Not that long ago, it was acceptable to include a broad objective in your CV, but this is no longer the way things work. After carefully reading the job description for the position you’re applying for, write your objective so that it closely matches the job on offer.
It must be as specific as possible so that an employer can tell that you’ve done some research and fully understand what will be required of you.
2. Describe Work Performed
Not only does your CV need to have your work history details, but it should also describe the type of work you performed. Together with a list of previous jobs, draw up the tasks and duties you were responsible for whilst in that position. It’s important to be specific and not make general statements.
It’s also a good idea to link previous work tasks and duties with the work you’ll be expected to perform in the new job. Carefully review your job description, bearing in mind the position you’re hoping to secure then rewrite your work history to show that you have the required experience.
3. Shout About Your Education
In the past, job seekers merely listed their education qualifications and university or college degrees, but in today’s tough job market, you need to be more specific. Apart from any degrees you may have acquired, you should also include any certifications, any other courses you’ve completed or are enrolled in, and any other professional licenses you may hold, as this could help make you stand out from the crowd.
You might also consider enrolling in one or more relevant workshops or classes that could help bolster your CV.
4. List Your Contact Information
It’s vital that an employer can get hold of you as quickly and easily as possible, so make sure your CV includes your home telephone number, mobile number, e-mail address and website address, if applicable. The last thing you want is for an employer to struggle to make contact with you … who knows, they may be phoning to make you the perfect job offer.
Is your CV ready? Before you send it, check out our Candidates Blog for more updated tips on CVs, job interviews, and job search advice. Once you do that, upload here your CV!
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