Clearly articulate career goals & align them with the role
Showcase IT achievements with prepared, role-relevant examples
Research the company & hiring panel thoroughly
A young lady introducing herself to two interviewers, she seems confident and they look happy

Skilled IT professionals are in high demand right now. Organisations are increasingly competing to attract IT skills and are subsequently looking to hire the sharpest IT professionals. However, just because these technical skills are in hot demand, it doesn’t mean you’ll walk straight into your ideal role. Your interview skills need to be pretty hot too if you want to land yourself a top IT job.

The competition is on to hire the most talented IT staff. Candidates applying for IT roles need to ensure they do themselves justice by standing out at an interview. Here are a few Interviewing tips for an IT role that will get you ahead of your competition.

Our Top Interviewing Tips for an IT Role

Make Your Professional Objectives Clear

An impressive trait of an IT candidate is knowing which professional direction they are heading in. During an interview for an IT job, make your professional objectives clear to the interviewer.

Articulate how the position will help you reach your career aspirations. This will settle two things in the hiring manager’s mind. Firstly, they will be satisfied that the role is right for you. Secondly, it provides them with the reassurance that this role offers the career progression you are looking for as a candidate.

One of our top interviewing tips is don't waffle! Although this one topped with strawberries does look rather delicious
Yes, this is a waffle. It may look slightly out of place in this blog post but it definitely has no place in an interview! Articulate yourself.

Sell Yourself and Your IT Talents

The last thing you want is to come over as brazen or egocentric in an interview. That said, you do need to essentially sell yourself and your IT talents. It sounds like a hard balance to strike doesn’t it? Don’t worry, it’s easier than it seems. As long as you have carefully considered answers prepared in advance.

Before the interview, think back through your career. Firstly, identify key moments when your IT skills have been put to the test. Then consider the challenges you faced and how you overcame the situation.

Was there a process you changed which saved the team time and therefore money? Or did you write a how-to document which simplified a process which was previously difficult to understand?

Each point you raise should be related to the role in question. Even if it doesn’t, instead it should highlight other, transferrable skills. Either way, make it clear how this experience could be used to the company’s advantage if they hired you.

Having pre-planned examples of obstacles you have overcome will help you answer difficult interview questions.

Differentiate Yourself From Other Candidates

Interviewers are looking for a candidate who stands out as being a great fit, not just at a skill level but culturally too. This is particularly true in the IT profession because the teams work so closely to solve shared problems.

Before the interview, consider how you are going to differentiate yourself from other candidates. For example, if you have achieved something momentous outside of work, share it with the panel.

One of the most common interview questions candidates are asked is ‘tell us about yourself’. Where most stumble, this is your perfect opportunity to stand out. Simply explaining that you got a first, or you enjoy reading isn’t a memorable answer. Identify yourself as ‘the one who was the first in his family to go to university’. Or, ‘the one who taught herself to code and blogged about her experience to inspire others to do the same’.

A top IT candidate doing his research in preparation for an IT interview
It pays to do your research before interviewing for an IT role

Do Your Research

You would never walk into an exam without doing any revision. By the same token, it’s crazy to walk into a job interview without carrying out in-depth research. Find out as much as you can about the organisation and the role you are applying for.

Quite simply, if you haven’t researched the company, how can you possibly say it’s a place you want to work?

This is where having a recruitment consultant on your side can really pay off. Many technology companies don’t have the time and resources to advertise their own roles. If this applies to the company you’re interviewing for, it’s unlikely you’ll find a ‘careers page’ on their site.

However, if you’re dealing with a reputable recruitment consultant, they will likely have a long-standing relationship, and therefore, insider knowledge of the business concerned. Be sure to pick their brains and get as much from them as you can.

Interviewers like to see candidates have done their research as it demonstrates dedication, eagerness and proactivity. Research the organisation so you are familiar with its history, background, ethos and future plans. If you can, check out the LinkedIn profiles of the panel conducting the interview. You never know, it may help you come up with some interesting pre-prepared questions to impress the interviewers with.

Know Your CV

This may sound obvious but make sure you know what’s on your CV before you enter the interview room. Sometimes when candidates are so familiar with their jobs, they almost go through their working day on auto-pilot. If this sounds like you, try asking yourself, what benefit do you bring to your workplace?

Being able to back up your answers with examples of achievements in your previous job will make you sound more credible.

A young lady introducing herself to two interviewers, she seems confident and they look happy
Researching a hiring manager’s LinkedIn profile might give you something interesting to talk about

Preparation is the Key When Applying for an IT Role

Preparation is key! Candidates who have prepared in advance, stand out head and shoulders above those who don’t. Where candidates are not prepared, their body language often gives them away.

So that’s it. Our key interviewing tips for an IT role. Keep them in mind when preparing for your next IT interview.

Is there anything we’ve missed?

Is there anything, in particular, you struggle with in IT interviews?

Or maybe you have a tip for others?

Please feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments below. And, if this post has helped you, please feel free to share it on social media where others can benefit from it too.

Adria Solutions

Adria Solutions

Adria Solutions is one of the UK’s leading IT, Digital and Marketing recruitment consultancy with a friendly, forward-thinking approach | Celebrating 20 years of success in 2024 | Featured on UK Recruiter, Tech Target, Computer World LinkedIn News UK, Tech Round, Recruiter and more industry publications.

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