graduate career

6 Tips For Graduates: How To Get Ahead And Kick-start Your Graduate Career

Graduating from university and looking ahead to your new career can be a hugely exciting time, but it can also be very challenging. With lots of students graduating at the same time, all with fantastic qualifications and just as much enthusiasm and passion as yourself – the competition for the best jobs can be fierce.

Queue of young talented applicants waiting in line for an interview

Attracting And Nurturing Young Talent In Your Business

There are many significant benefits of hiring more young employees, graduates and bright new talent. For example, it can:

  • Bring in fresh new skills and ideas
  • Help your company to ‘move with the times’
  • Build your company’s talent pipeline – so as to secure its future
  • Enable you to grow and nurture talent, so you don’t have to spend so much buying it in
  • Improve your brand as an employer

So, if you weren’t considering investing in young people, to attract them to your company, why not – when you could potentially be missing out on all of these benefits?

Young talented professional applying for a job in one click

Optimising Recruitment For Mobile Applicants? Here’s How!

Research conducted by Censuswide on behalf of Indeed in 2014, found that 78% of US jobseekers said they would use their mobile devices to apply for jobs if the process was simplified. We have to admit it seems recruiters have taken notice because if you’ve been searching for a job via the likes of a tablet or smartphone in recent months, you may have noticed a new phrase has popped up on many of the recruitment sites and career pages – ‘apply for this job from your mobile device’.

general election uncertainty

UK Tech Sector Recruitment Overcomes General Election Uncertainty

A great number of industries are affected by the run-up to and the aftermath of a general election, particularly recruitment. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the potential shake-ups and upsets in Westminster, the IT and tech industry has managed to buck the trend seen in the public sector in particular and actually experienced a boom in recruitment growth.

A black man is interviewed by a woman

Interview Skills Training: 10 Tips For Those On Both Sides Of The Table

Job interviews can be very difficult and nerve-wracking situations, and not just for the interviewee. Whether you’re attending or holding the interview, here are some crucial tips for those on both sides of the table…

Young lady trying to showcase her talent as a beginner marketer by holding up a sign that says hire me!

Information Technology Tops Recruitment Skills In Demand

Not so long ago at the peak of the recession, hundreds of candidates would be battling for the limited job supply in the UK. However, the tides have now changed for Britain’s recruitment landscape, which now boasts an increasingly buoyant employment market.  
Britain’s economy continues to recover and consequently businesses of a diverse range of sectors are increasing their recruitment intake.

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